
OPC-UA PubSub: breaking through to real-time communication in Industry 4.0

A ticket from
Hugo Pelletier
OPC-UA PubSub in Industry 4.0


Is the PubSub Model in OPC-UA essential?

The PubSub, or Publisher/Subscriber, model is a central element in the OPC-UA (Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture) ecosystem, which was designed to effectively meet the communications requirements of modern industry.

PubSub Basics

this model is based on an architecture where publishers generate data, and subscribers consume this data. This paradigm enables efficient data distribution in dynamic environments. In OPC-UA, The PubSub model is designed to facilitate the rapid and reliable transmission of data across different nodes in a network, enabling real-time and large-scale communication. It also promotes decoupling between data producers and consumers, which is crucial to ensure the flexibility and adaptability of industrial systems.

Differences between client and server and PubSub models

The client and server model and the Publisher/Subscriber model represent two distinct communication paradigms. In the first, the exchange is often point-to-point and initiated by the client, while in the second, it is initiated by the publisher and can be broadcast to several subscribers simultaneously. This distinction is crucial because it allows for broader and faster distribution of data, which is particularly useful in industrial scenarios where real-time dissemination of information to multiple entities is essential.

PubSub model components: publishers and subscribers

Publishers and subscribers are the fundamental components of the PubSub model. Publishers generate data or events, while subscribers subscribe to that data or events and respond accordingly. In OPC-UA, publishers and subscribers can be configured with specific settings to control quality of service, security, and other aspects of communication. This structure allows a clear segmentation of roles and responsibilities, thus facilitating the management of exchanges in complex industrial environments.

The essence of this model in OPC-UA lies in its ability to catalyze efficient, scalable, real-time communication between the various components of an industrial network. It provides a robust framework for data exchange, making OPC-UA a preferred choice for setting up advanced industrial transmission systems. It is unequivocal that this model is vital for navigating the communications challenges of Industry 4.0, and its integration is a step forward towards achieving a connected and intelligent industry.

How to implement OPC UA PubSub networks?

The implementation of OPC UA Publisher/Subscriber, which embody the fusion between real-time communication and message-driven architectures, is crucial for the realization of modern, interconnected industrial systems.

Local Network Configuration

Setting up a reliable local network configuration is the cornerstone of implementing your networks. It begins by precisely defining IP addresses and hostnames for all publishers and subscribers involved. Careful configuration of equipment such as routers, switches and firewalls are also essential to ensure smooth communication. It is crucial to maintain detailed documentation of the network configuration, including a well-designed diagram, to facilitate troubleshooting and future modifications. The use of monitoring software can also be beneficial for monitoring network traffic and identifying possible anomalies.

Message Queue Broker Networks

The integration of message queue broker networks like MQTT or AMQP is a central part of OPC UA's PubSub architecture. These brokers facilitate message management between publishers and subscribers by ensuring reliable data distribution. They act as intermediaries, receiving published messages and routing them to the relevant subscribers. It is important to choose a broker that offers good performance, high availability, and supports the quality of service features required for your application. Correctly configuring brokers and efficiently managing message queues are crucial to ensuring low latency and reliable message delivery.

Security Measures in PubSub Networks

Cybersecurity is paramount in OPC UA Publisher/Subscriber networks. It begins with robust authentication of network nodes and encryption of data in transit. Security protocols such as SSL/TLS can be used to ensure data confidentiality and integrity. Additionally, managing permissions and access is crucial to controlling who can publish or subscribe to what data. Implementing strict security policies, continuous monitoring, and training users on security best practices are also important steps to keep it safe.

Implementing these networks is a process that requires careful attention to detail and a thorough understanding of real-time communication principles. By following these steps and considering best practices, organizations can build robust and secure PubSub architectures, ready to meet the challenges of Industry 4.0.

What are the benefits of using OPC-UA PubSub?

Addressing scalability challenges

Scalability is a major issue in contemporary industrial environments. Thanks to its Publisher/Subscriber architecture, it makes it easier to manage a large number of publishers and subscribers without sacrificing performance. The model allows for easy network expansion, adding publishers and subscribers as needed, while maintaining low latency and reliable data delivery. This significantly reduces the costs and complexity associated with scaling communications systems.

Real-time communication capabilities

This model was designed to guarantee efficient real-time exchange, an essential criterion to meet the requirements of modern industrial applications. It ensures rapid and reliable distribution of data between publishers and subscribers, enabling real-time interactions. These real-time transmission capabilities are crucial for areas such as industrial process monitoring and control, where a delay in data transmission can have severe consequences.

Transition from industry 3.0 to industry 4.0

The OPC-UA Publisher/Subscriber plays a pivotal role in the transition to Industry 4.0, facilitating the integration of information and operational technologies. It provides a unified platform for communication between field devices, control systems and enterprise applications, bridging the gap between operations and IT. Its architecture, with its flexibility and real-time exchange possibilities, is perfectly aligned with the principles of Industry 4.0, thus facilitating the creation of interconnected, intelligent and autonomous industrial systems.

This model, by offering a robust and flexible solution, facilitates adaptation to the changing demands of modern industry. Its advantages in terms of scalability, real-time communication, and transition to Industry 4.0, make it essential for organizations seeking to optimize their transmission systems and evolve towards more intelligent and interconnected industrial models.

How does OPC-UA Pub Sub differ from other industry protocols?

OPC-UA Pub Sub is an industrial communications standard that differs from other protocols on several fronts, including platform independence, interoperability, cybersecurity, and information exchange mechanisms.

Platform independence

OPC-UA is a standard that advocates platform independence, enabling reliable and secure communication within industrial networks, regardless of the technology used. This independence allows for wider adoption of the protocol in various operational environments, whether on Linux, Microsoft, iOS or Android. It is a protocol independent of hardware and software platforms, capable of working under Windows as well as Linux, or even on an embedded chipset.

Interoperability and cybersecurity

Interoperability is at the heart of OPC-UA, facilitating communication between diverse systems and devices. It is coupled with robust cybersecurity measures, enabling secure transmission of data across system boundaries. OPC-UA provides strong authentication, encryption and authorization management mechanisms, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data in the industrial network. Both OPC-UA and MQTT have a built-in security layer, but OPC-UA is distinguished by its orientation towards a defined communication structure, similar to a REST web service, unlike MQTT which is more of a means of data transport, in the same way as HTTP .

Information exchange mechanisms

OPC-UA integrates two major information exchange mechanisms: the client and server model, and the Pub/Sub model. The former is ideal for exchanging large volumes of data, while the latter excels at distributing data quickly and lightly to a wide range of subscribers. OPC-UA Part 14 defines a Pub/Sub architecture for LAN and WAN network exchanges, allowing horizontal communication via UDP for subnets and LANs, and vertical transmission via MQTT for Cloud and WAN environments.


The evolution of industrial communication needs continues to grow, establishing fertile ground for the adoption of standards like OPC-UA and its PubSub model. The clear advantages of this technology in terms of interoperability, security and flexibility place this model as a central pillar in the Industry 4.0 building. The adoption of this model is a significant step towards more agile industrial systems, crucial elements in meeting the demands of modern industrial dynamics.

Its implementation is not only a technological advance, but a strategic response to the intrinsic challenges of modern industrialization. With a successful transition to advanced exchange systems, organizations can envision unprecedented collaboration between machines, systems and teams, opening the door to unexplored innovations. The OPC-UA Publisher/Subscriber is, without doubt, a vector of industrial transformation, propelling companies into an era of increased efficiency and operational intelligence.

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