Industry 4.0

Decryption of the Economic Rate of Return (ERR): an essential for the industry

A ticket from
Hugo Pelletier
Photo of the exterior of a factory with dramatic effect.


The Economic Rate of Return, a crucial indicator in the industrial world just like the TRS and the TRG, is an essential tool for measuring the profitability of an investment. Its role is all the more important as it serves as a guide for strategic investment decisions in the factory.

What is the Economic Rate of Return?

Definition of the TRE and its scope in the factory

THE Economic Rate of Return, or TRE, is a measure that allows you to evaluate the potential profit of an investment. It is defined as the interest rate that equalizes the net present value of a project's cash flows to zero. Simply put, it is the rate that causes the present value of future cash flows to equal the initial cost of the investment.

In the industrial environment, the ERR is a key performance indicator that helps evaluate and compare the profitability of different investments. It also helps in making strategic investment decisions, showing the most profitable opportunities and identifying investments that may not generate sufficient return.

The components of the ERR and their role in the evaluation of economic performance

The TRE is made up of several components, notably the capital invested, net cash flow And the duration of the investment. Each component plays a vital role in assessing economic performance.

  • Capital invested: The initial amount paid for the investment. This is the starting point for any ERR calculation.
  • Net cash flow: The profit generated by the investment, after deducting all associated costs, including depreciation and operating costs.
  • Duration of investment: The time the investment generates cash flow. The longer this duration, the higher the ERR is likely to be.

These components are interconnected and play a determining role in determining the ERR. Accurate assessment of these elements can help optimize economic performance.

What are the factors impacting the Economic Rate of Return?

Key variables that affect factory ERR

Several factors can influence the ERR in the factory, including the investment cost initial, expected returns, investment duration and interest rate. Additionally, factors such as factory performance, market demand, production costs, production quality and factory management can also impact ERR.

There plant performance, for example, can directly affect expected returns. An efficient factory is likely to generate yields higher, which can increase the ERR. On the other hand, poor performance can reduce expected returns and therefore ERR.

The impact of costs, productivity and efficiency on the ERR

Production costs, productivity and efficiency also have a significant impact on ERR. Higher production costs can reduce yields, which in turn can reduce ERR. Similarly, low productivity or operational efficiency can lead to higher production costs and therefore reduce ERR. Therefore, it is crucial for factory managers to monitor and manage effectively these factors to maximize the ERR.

How to calculate the Economic Rate of Return?

The TRE formula

THE TRE is generally calculated using the following ratio:

TRE = (Expected returns - Invested capital) / Invested capital

This formula allows manufacturers to quickly and easily calculate the ERR, allowing them to assess the profitability potential of a factory investment

The use of TRE in factory decision-making

The TRE is a valuable tool for factory decision-making. It helps to identify investments which offer the best potential return and to avoid those which are unlikely to be profitable. Additionally, it allows you to compare different investments to determine which one offers the best profit potential.

It is important to note that the ERR is only one indicator of the potential profitability of an investment. It does not guarantee a r specific debt and does not take into account other important factors such as risk or uncertainty. Therefore, it should be used in conjunction with other financial analysis tools and methods to make informed decisions.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the TRE?

The strengths of TRE in an industrial environment

The TRE has numerous advantages which make it an attractive financial analysis tool for manufacturers:

  • Intuitive and easy understanding : Thanks to its ease of understanding, the Economic Return Rate stands out as a valuable indicator, allowing financial analysis without complexity for factory managers.
  • A valuable tool for comparing investments : The TRE, by its nature, offers the possibility of a direct comparison of investments, thus facilitating the selection of the most profitable projects in the industrial field.
  • A guide to prioritizing expenses : With its measurement of potential return, the economic rate of return is positioned as an essential tool for effectively prioritizing expenditures in the industrial context, especially when resources are limited.

Limitations of TRE in an industrial environment

However, like all tools, the TRE has its limitations which must be understood in order to use it effectively.

  • Neglect of risk : The Economic Rate of Return, although effective, does not include the evaluation of the risk inherent in an investment, which can be a major disadvantage. It is therefore recommended to complete your analysis with a risk assessment for each investment considered in an industrial environment.
  • Dependence on yield estimates : The ERR is strongly dependent on yield forecasts. Any inaccuracies in these could affect the accuracy of the ERR, highlighting the importance of caution and regular review of these estimates in the industrial environment.
  • The omission of the time value of money : The Economic Rate of Return does not take into account the notion of time value of money, a limitation to consider. For a more in-depth analysis taking this aspect into account, it may be wise to use more sophisticated methods, such as Net Present Value (NPV).

Conclusion: The ERR, a key indicator of economic performance

The Economic Rate of Return is an economic performance assessment tool that provides valuable insight into the potential profitability of an investment. It serves as a guide for strategic factory investment decisions, allowing the profitability of different investments to be compared and the best opportunities to be identified.

However, the ERR should be used with caution, taking into account its limitations and combining it with other analysis tools and methods such as the ORR and the OEE. Business managers must also ensure that they effectively manage costs and improve operating efficiency to maximize ERR.

Ultimately, Economic Return Rate is a key performance indicator that can help factories improve profitability and thrive in today's competitive environment.

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